
Monday, March 28, 2011

Registration, You Devil, You

I still remember the first time I registered for classes at BYU: I had just graduated from high school, so I didn't look that different from how I do now, but in my mind I am four years younger and so I am practically wearing Osh Kosh Bigosh overalls and have a bowl cut. Ok maybe that's a little extreme but I feel like I look younger in my memory.

I had misread the registration date and thought that it started at noon instead of midnight, so when I logged on at like 9 am to prepare, spots were already filling up in the classes that I had spent HOURS planning. I freaked out, yelled to my mom, she came running, and we tried to tell each other that everything would be ok. Ha. It seemed so dire at the time, little did I know that I was wayyyy too far down on the totem pole to get any good classes or sections even if I had been on time. And I didn't have cool older sisters to hold spots for me (you're welcome Grace and Anne :)).

Well, that was the high point in my registration, I would come to find out. As my academic career progressed, so did my lackadaisical-ness about how imperative it was that I register correctly and promptly for my classes. There was the semester that the sorry Glenwood internet couldn't handle everyone online and crashed (as it always did at imperative moments), the time I fell asleep a 11:50 wrapped around my computer in my bed only to wake up at 4 am in a panic and sadly see all of my classes full, or the time I just plain forgot. There were many nights that my roommates and I would all be up late together registering, and I would secretly curse Jennifer who was done in two seconds due to good planning, or fend of snarls of jealousy from Lauren who for some reason was always a day later than everyone else. Last semester the registration date was a month till my wedding (aka Hades status) and I remembered about 1/2 hour before I had to register. I quickly threw together a schedule and miraculously it has been a pretty great one! Good things do happen to good people after all, it seems.

Well people, not this year. Ole' Claire is gettin' hers this time around. See, this is my LAST fall semester registering for classes! Fall of 2012 I will be student teaching, and so really this is the last time I have to pick what I am going to take. I figured it was time to be on top of my game for once...and I so desperately want to take ZUMBA! (Because let's be honest, any other class I need I am sure I can just muscle my way into). And, now that I work I have to make it fit into reasonable blocks that make sense. Gone are the days of killing mindless hours in the MOA and the Bookstore, my hours on campus are now all carefully allotted.

So here I sit at 11:27, way past my bedtime, bleary eyed from scrolling through the class schedule so many times, just waiting to log onto MyMap when the clock strikes midnight. It's kind of sad in a way...I feel like this is one of those tiny indications that my college years are coming to an end. I desperately don't want it to be over...these years have been the funnest so far, and I think they have kind of defined who I see myself as now. But the angry emails telling me to graduate haven't started yet, so I think I am safe for a little while longer, at least.

I have a notes sheet but for one class I just wrote 'TTH 3-4:15." I have no recollection of what class it refers to. Does anyone have a class from 3-4:15 on TTH that they want to recommend?

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