
About Us

See...we CAN take a cute picture...if we really try...

Thanks for reading our blog! Well, I say our...I have yet to get Dave to post except for Valentine's day. That's ok I guess, blogging is kind of a woman's world. Much like the kitchen or laundry room...right Dave? :) (jk!)

So Dave and I are both students at BYU. He is studying Exercise Science and wants to go to dental school after he graduates, and I am studying English Education and I want to teach middle or high school. We both want to have lots of cute halvsie Asian children after we are done as well. So hopefully someday, somewhere, you will see a little Molly, Elle, Peter or Henry show up. And if any of you steal our baby names, I will have to come after you...

The most important thing in our lives are our beliefs. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If you want to learn more about the church, click here. The Gospel makes us happy and we try our best to do what we know is right, although we are not perfect. We were married in the Salt Lake City LDS temple, and Dave served a mission for our church in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 2007-2009. He has almost been home for two years! He feels weird about that and is still slightly obsessed with Brazil. That's ok with me  :)

There he is in Brazil...he's the crazy-eyes one in the back

The Salt Lake Temple. With us in front, naturally.

I grew up in Eagle River, Alaska, and Dave was born in Maryland but grew up mostly in St. George, Utah. For those of you unfamiliar with Utah, St. George is in the very South and is really desert-y. We therefore have very different opinions on what constitutes livable temperatures.  I get crabby in hot weather, Dave gets morose in the rain, so I have no idea where we will end up. I vowed never to marry a Utah boy, but I guess I just couldn't help it when I met Dave! St. George is far away and more like Arizona anyway...and, I have put my old prejudices aside :) I treasure the upbringing that I had in The Last Frontier and I sometimes really miss it a ton, but I am very happy in the, as we call it, "Lower 48" (I never realized that was a weird term until college) and I think it is funny that we had such different climates and settings to grow up in.

In AK, right after Dave proposed last summer! As you can see, not the picture of warmth and sun...

In sunny (and blistering HOT) St. Geezy!  Oh gosh, right now I have to admit that it looks so nice and warm.

Bottom line though: we are happy wherever we are, as long as we are together!

We also have great families that we love so much! I am the oldest of four girls, and Dave is the youngest (by quite a lot!) of six, with four older brothers and one older sister. Needless to say, our families have very different "feels". I am getting used to being the youngest out of 12 (with in-laws!) and Dave is learning how to be the oldest, and that all eyes are on you all the time! Dave has a bunch of nieces and nephews and since I am the oldest, I have none on my side. I like being called "Aunt Claire" now. I know that my family loves Dave a lot (my little sister Tess makes him little presents and stuff all the time!) and I love his family and I think they like me ok, so thus far, the whole in-law thing is going just fine...

Dave and his family...ever so behaved...

Me and my sisters on some random dragon toy in Scotland...typical. My family is a little less proper than Dave's. I promise we are cuter than we look here.

That's pretty much our lives! We both like cooking, hiking, reading, and watching basically any comedy on NBC over and over again. I want Dave to learn to like running and dancing and he wants me to like volleyball. We'll keep you posted on how that works out.